ARTICLE I - NAMEThis organization will be known as the Ladies of the Knights of Columbus (auxiliary to Council 4765).
This organization is formed for the following objectives and purposes:
1. To enhance spiritual growth and sociability among the members
2. To engage in charitable and civic endeavors
3. To assist in promoting the spiritual and social welfare of the Council 4765 Knights of Columbus
4. To promote communication and assistance among membersARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP
Any spouse, mother or daughter, 18 years of age, of a member of the Knights of Columbus, in good standing, is eligible for membership in the Organization. Individuals may join as individual members.
Membership dues shall be $20.00 per capita. For the first year only, a $6.00 charge will cover the cost of the membership cards and pin. New member dues must be paid in full in order to have a vote. Dues will be collected annually by the Trea surer.
For the purpose of voting , a quorum will consist of 25% of paid members in good standing.
The governing body of this organization will be the Board of Directors. It will consist of four elected officers and a trustee (past president). They will meet as required. Each member of the Board of Directors will have voting privileges. The responsibilities of the Board of Directors are:
1. To prepare and discuss all major issues and present them to the membership
2. To be available to the membership in an advisory capacity
3. To see that the by-laws are upheld and amended as required
4. To obtain approval from the membership for expenditures in excess of $100.00.
The elective officers of the Ladies of the Knights of Columbus will consist of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary a nd Treasurer.
1. Election of officers will be held at the meeting during the month of March.
2. Term of office will be one (1) year and subject to re-election
3. Nominations and election of officers will be conducted as follows:
a) A Nominating Committee of three members will be appointed at the January Meeting by the President
b) The Nominating Committee will prepare a slate bearing the names of candidates for each office for the election
c) No one will be a candidate whose consent has not been obtained for the office
d) The report of the Nominating Committee will be announced at the February meeting and be published in the minutes. Nomination can be accepted from the floor prior to the elections
e) Election of officers will be conducted at the March Meeting
f) If there is more than one name for each office, voting will be by written ballot of the delegates present
g) Elected officers will assume duties as of May 1. Installation of officers will be held at the awards dinner in May.
H) Vacancies occurring in any office will be filled in the interim by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. A letter of resignation should be submitted within 15 days of notification to resign. Verbal announcements of resignation will become effective fifteen (15) days after such announcement unless otherwise withdrawn. An election will be held for this office at the next meeting.ARTICLE VIII - DUTIES OF OFFICERS
The PRESIDENT will preside at all meetings; countersign all orders drawn upon the Treasury, and set meeting dates and times. She will serve as a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President will appoint chairladies of all committees, with the approval of the other elected officers, as soon as possible after elections. The immediate Past President will assume the three (3) year Trustee position when her term as President ends.
The VICE PRESIDENT will preside in the absence of the President. She will act as Community Service Chairman, unless otherwise directed, and assume any other duties assigned by the President.
The SECRETARY will keep the minutes of each meeting and read the minutes at following meeting. She will be custodian of all documents pertaining to her office and conduct the correspondence of the Auxiliary. She will issue all notices and keep a current roster of the membership. Copies of the minutes will be posted on-line one week prior to the next meeting.
The TREASURER will keep a current list of members, collect all dues and fees. She will notify delinquent members, keep all accounts of receipts and expenditures, receive and immediately deposit to the Auxiliary bank account all monies belonging to the Auxiliary, and pay out same in such manner as will be designated by the Auxiliary and countersigned by the President. She will keep a monthly report of her office to be presented to the membership at the meetings. She will cooperate with the Trustees in preparation for the quarterly audit.
If a vacancy occurs, the election of Trustees will be as follows:
1. The format for elections will be the same as for officers (see Article VIII).
2. The Trustees will be designated as First-Year Trustee, Second-Year Trustee, and Third-Year Trustee.
3. When two or more Trustees must be elected in any given year, election will be done by descending vote.
4. The term of office will be for the completion of the current year.ARTICLE X - DUTIES OF TRUSTEES
The duties of the Trustees are as follows:
1. To serve as a member of the Board of Directors (see Article VI).
2. To meet quarterly to audit financial accounts.
3. Assume any duties assigned by the President.ARTICLE XI - MEETINGS
This organization will meet monthly on the last Monday of the month unless otherwise designated.
Proposed amendment(s) will be submitted to the membership, in writing thirty (30) days prior to the Meeting, where it will be voted on.
Roberts Rules of Order revised will govern the conduct of meetings nots specifically stated in these by-laws.
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Introduction of Officers, Delegates and Members
4. Introduction of Visitors
5. Acceptance of the Minutes of Previous Meeting
6. Reading of Communications
7. Treasurer<92>s Report
8. Reports of Committees
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Program (if applicable)
12. Adjournment
13. Closing Prayer