Ladies of the Knights of Columbus

Agenda for April 28,2008 Meeting

Call to Order 7:10 pm


Self Introductions 14 - Members present

Accept Minutes of February Meeting

Old Business

Golf Outing for the Knights was a success, thank you to those ladies who volunteered.
Church cleaning was greatly appreciated by all<85>we will form a committee to keep this up.

New Business

Special Guest-this evening was Betty & Joe Rumet from Marys Cupboard, we donated $300.00 to this cause as our community contribution.

May 3rd & 4th will be our drive for membership, please help out after all masses.

On May 10 & 11th we are asking for baked goods donations for ARC-also to volunteer after mass selling the cakes. We will be assisting Mark Martin a member of the Knights on this Endeavour. Mark came to our meeting and discussed the details. Drop off will be before masses.

A re-dedication ceremony will take place at Cesar<92>s on May 19,2008. Partners are invited guests<85>cost will be $25.00 per person, please contact Marie Kelly.

4th degree will be on May 25, more information to follow.

Activities for upcoming year.

Church picnic will be June 21st(June 22 rain date)11:30 to 4:00

Lois and Lisa will shop, we will need grills and tents.

At our next meeting June 30th we will have a guest speaker on women and heart conditions.

Soup and Conversation will be held on November 2, 2008.

We are hoping to get Dave Roberts as a guest speaker and also

Miss South Eastern PA will be a guest.

Christmas Bazaar will be held in December.

Our next meeting will be.

50/50 winner Pat O'Donnell


Close meeting 7:30 pm

Treasurer"s report

Checking $