Ladies of the Knights of Columbus

Agenda for 8-30-10 6:30PM Meeting

New Business-Tea Social at Village Rosebush on 19th-time 1:00 to 4:00 Pm -Thank you Lois!

Membership Blitz weekend of 9-18th and 9-19th and open house on the 21st at 7:00PM

Volunteers are needed for the Blitz weekend campaign to hand out forms at the doors of church.

Need volunteers to bake desserts for 9-11 service at 7:00 PM Karen, Eileen,Dot, Marie,Gerry and Pat-Thank you Ladies.

Next meeting on the 9-29th at Fr Crehan Hall.

Ask Jim Berna for calendar set-up for our new letter.

Do Not Ask Joanne to do the 50/50 -HA HA!

50/50 Winner won $19.00,Eileen Brown -Congratulations!!