-Invocation - Marie Kelly
-Old business- Treasurer report was read by Marie
- Cook Book -we gathered 250 recipes in works at pubishers
-August 14th Trenton Thunder game at 7:00PM all are welcome
-August 21st or 25th picnic - to hot for this year - all voted and passed not going to have it.
-Tea Social- Rosewood Antiques Room in Middletown- $18.95 p/p 1-4 hours on September 12th or the19th
-Ceasar's Dinner meeting August 30th at 6:30PM
-Breakfast Club begins September 12th 8:00 -11:00 AM
-Next Meeting LOK-9-27th
-10-21th- Organizational meeting for Soup & Conversation
-10-22th- Conformation
-10-25th- LOK's meeting
-11-6th Set-up for Soup & Conversation after market day pick up.
-11-7th- Soup & Conversation -Noon til 4:00PM raffle and door prizes.
-11-14th-Breakfast Club
-11-20th- Knights putting together baskets at 1:00PM
-11-29th- Ceasar's Dinner meeting last one of the year
-12-11th- Cleaning of the church 10:00AM all are welcome
-12-12th- Breakfast Club
-12-28th- Christmas Bazaar time to be announced.
-50/50- winner was Edna Thornhill she won $13.00 - Congratulations!!