10-25-10 Meeting-Invocation-Marie Kelly
-Soup & Conversation- shopping list is set, bring soup etc, 11:00 AM on Sunday -Set-up 2:00PM on Saturday
-No14th Breakfast Club make and sell cookbooks
-Nov 27th Set-up for Bazaar 6:30 PM
-Nov 29th Dinner meeting at Ceasar's
-Dec12th Breakfast club
-Volunteers for selling tickets for Soup & Conversation
-Treasurers report- Checking account and saving account was read
-Lottery Ticket basket and Spagetti basket for door prizes Marie & Eileen
-DJ's for Valentine's Dinner- Compare & shop around and ask Donny at Ceasar's
-50/50 winner- Joanne Foder $ 17.00 Congratulations!!!